Poll Results for election issue poll 10/31/06 |
Extremely Liberal
Liberal 0% Moderate 40% Conservative 46.7% Extremely Conservative 13.3% Abortion Stance Pro Choice
Pro Life Should an underage girl be required to notify her parents of an abortion ( parental abuse excepted )? Should we enforce existing gun laws more forcefully rather than add new ones? Should we eliminate the 2nd amendment rights of law abiding Americans? Should violent criminals such as child molesters and murderers be locked up for life with no parole in states where the death penalty is disallowed? Do you support the death penalty for 1st degree murderers? Currently a middle class family of four with a $200,000 mortgage and $64,000 a year income will likely pay $0 federal income taxes. Is this fair? The same family of four in the upper middle class with a $300,000 mortgage and $110,000 annual income pays about 5% in federal taxes. Fair? Same family again, but upper class, $600,000 mortgage and $250,000 income pays about 17% federal taxes, Fair? Should that middle class family making $64,000 have to pay more? Should the federal government switch to a flat tax income, stay the same, or eliminate income tax altogether? Should the government be directly accountable to the electorate for the use of public funds? Should the public get to vote every two years to allow or disallow deficit spending? Should ILLEGAL aliens be denied driver's licenses? Should ILLEGAL aliens be allowed to vote? Should the U.S. take a stronger stance on border issues? Should the U.S. pull out of IRAQ immediately? Should the U.S. abandon the U.N. ? Should public schools be required to structure the curriculum only on standard academics such as Reading, History, Math, Science and Literature ? Do you support a school voucher program that would allow parents to redirect their tax dollars to another public or private school when their school is failing them? Should Islam be taught in public schools? Should Christianity be taught in public schools? Should all religion be eliminated from all aspects of government? Currently several school districts in Oregon and California are in fact teaching Islam are you outraged by this? Rate the following presidents of the U.S.
What is the party affiliation of your local congressman? How do you rate your local member of congress? How do you rate the Evergreen Times for quality writing? What is your age? What level of education?
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