Poll Results for election issue poll 10/31/06

Extremely Liberal                          0%

Liberal                                         0%

Moderate                                     40%

Conservative                                46.7%

Extremely Conservative                 13.3%

Abortion Stance

Pro Choice                Neutral                   Pro Life
      40%                     46.7%                     13.3%

Should an underage girl be required to notify her parents of an abortion ( parental abuse excepted )?
Yes                                           No
86.7%                                       13.3%

Should we enforce existing gun laws more forcefully rather than add new ones?
Yes                                           No
73.3%                                       26.7%

Should we eliminate the 2nd amendment rights of law abiding Americans?
Yes                                           No
0%                                            100%

Should violent criminals such as child molesters and murderers be locked up for life with no parole in states where the death penalty is disallowed?
Yes                                           No
80%                                          20%

Do you support the death penalty for 1st degree murderers?
Yes                                           No
73.3%                                       26.7%

Currently a middle class family of four with a $200,000 mortgage and $64,000 a year income will likely pay $0 federal income taxes. Is this fair?
Yes                                           No
60%                                          40%

The same family of four in the upper middle class with a $300,000 mortgage and $110,000 annual income pays about 5% in federal taxes. Fair?
Yes                                          No
46.7%                                      53.3%

Same family again, but upper class, $600,000 mortgage and $250,000 income pays about 17% federal taxes, Fair?
Yes                                         No
53.3%                                     46.7%

Should that middle class family making $64,000 have to pay more?
Yes                                        No
40%                                       60%

Should the federal government switch to a flat tax income, stay the same, or eliminate income tax altogether?
Flat tax                                 Stay the same                                     Eliminate
33.3%                                        40%                                                26.7%

Should the government be directly accountable to the electorate for the use of public funds?
Yes                                        No
100%                                     0%

Should the public get to vote every two years to allow or disallow deficit spending?
Yes                                        No
80%                                       20%

Should ILLEGAL aliens be denied driver's licenses?
Yes                                        No
93.3%                                    6.7%

Should ILLEGAL aliens be allowed to vote?
Yes                                        No
0%                                         100%

Should the U.S. take a stronger stance on border issues?
Yes                                       No
93.3%                                   6.7%

Should the U.S. pull out of IRAQ immediately?
Yes                                      No
26.7%                                  73.3%

Should the U.S. abandon the U.N. ?
Yes    33.3%                      No   66.7%

Should public schools be required to structure the curriculum only on standard academics such as Reading, History, Math, Science and Literature ?
Yes                                     No
73.3%                                 26.7%

Do you support a school voucher program that would allow parents to redirect their tax dollars to another public or private school when their school is failing them?
Yes    93.3%                      No   6.7%

Should Islam be taught in public schools?
Yes                                    No
6.7%                                  93.3%

Should Christianity be taught in public schools?
Yes   6.7%                         No  93.3%

Should all religion be eliminated from all aspects of government?
Yes                                    No
40%                                   60%

Currently several school districts in Oregon and California are in fact teaching Islam are you outraged by this?
Yes                                    No
60%                                   40%

Rate the following presidents of the U.S.

President Great Good Average Poor Dismal
Washington 35.7% 57.1% 7.1% 0% 0%
Lincoln 85.7% 14.3% 0% 0% 0%
Teddy Roosevelt 50% 35.7% 14.3% 0% 0%
FDR 42.9% 35.7% 21.4% 0% 0%
Truman 0% 46.2% 46.2% 0% 7.7%
Ike 23% 30.1% 46.2% 0% 0%
LBJ 0% 23% 23% 46.2% 7.7%
Nixon 0% 23% 53.9% 23% 0%
Carter 7.1% 7.1% 42.9% 7.1% 35.7%
Reagan 50% 14.3% 21.4% 14.3% 0%
Bush I 0% 28.6% 64.3% 0% 7.1%
Clinton 24.4% 28.6% 35.7% 7.1% 7.1%
Bush II 0% 21.4% 50% 7.1% 21.4%

What is the party affiliation of your local congressman?
Republican    6.7%             Democrat     80%                Independent/Other     0%       Don't know   13.3%

How do you rate your local member of congress?
Excellent        Good             Fair            Poor             Dismal           Don't know
6.7%               6.7%             26.7%        33.3%           26.7%              0%

How do you rate the Evergreen Times for quality writing?
Excellent        Good             Fair          Poor             Dismal       What is the Evergreen Times?
13.3%             33.3%           6.7%        0%               0%              46.7%

What is your age?
13-18                18-26                  26-36              36-50               50-65             Over 65
13.3%                 0%                     6.7%                60%                 20%                  0%

What level of education?
Middle/HS student  13.3%   HS grad   0%   Some College 46.7%  AA/AS  13.3%  BA/BS  26.7%  Post Grad 0%

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