is a defining decision in Vancouver history!
Yes that
head line is correct. The Columbia River Crossing will be a
defining project for Clark County. We need to fix the problem
of increasing traffic across the Columbia River. The big push
right now seems to be this crazy notion of replacing the venerable
Interstate Bridge. As I have clearly suggested, this idea
sucks. Why does government continue to find ways to pour our
money into bottomless pits of wasted effort? Yes I said wasted
effort. I can't even begin to gather in my mind all the
reasons this idea is lousy, but for the sake of my readers I'll try
to be clear and concise.
why on God's green Earth would we replace at the cost of billions of
dollars, a bridge that already works fine? Because politicians
are stupid or corrupt and sometimes both. Argue if you will
that the Interstate bridge in all her historic glory is old and
funky. Yes the bridge lifts for ship passings is a pain in the
ass and backs up traffic. But do we need to spend four
billion dollars to eliminate the occasional delay for a lift?
That is $10,000 for every man, woman and child in Clark
County. And it will go over budget. If government says
it will cost a four billion you can bet it will cost eight billion.
take a walk down memory lane shall we? The first span of the
Interstate Bridge opened in 1917. That was during World War
One! You can probably count on your fingers the number of
people still alive who remember that day. The second span
opened up in 1958 when President Eisenhower was building the
Interstate Highway System. This bridge is a big part of local
history and deserves to stay. Of course if we saved for
posterity all things, we all would be living in thatch huts and mud
houses so here is the crux of the issue.
This set
of bridges carries 125,000 cars a day over six lanes of
traffic. I-5 through the city of Portland is between four and
six lanes wide and Oregon has made it clear they do not intend to
expand the freeway aside from fixing the southbound bottle neck at Delta
Park. Building a bigger and wider bridge is a big, fat waste
of time and money as the cars will still be backed up just as they
are now. The majority of Columbia River crossing already takes
place on the Glenn Jackson bridge which carries about 20% more cars
per day and is not as congested as the Interstate Bridge. By the way the Interstate bridge is paid for already!
what is better? I like the third crossing idea. The big
push for replacing the Interstate bridge isn't about easing traffic
for cars and trucks but rather about bringing Portland's little
choo-choo train across to Vancouver. Portland has spent
billions of dollars on the train that of course is heavily
subsidized as virtually all mass transit systems are. (exception
N.Y. City Subway). This train of their's is a favorite
amongst the liberal environmental crowd but it
has proven to be a train of violence and a big waste of money.
Do we want that here? If this community is really at a point
where it wants the warm and fuzzy feel good choo choo that muggers
so love and adore, fine. Build a truck and mass transit bridge
linking the two ports of Vancouver and Portland and run the train
over the separate span next to the Interstate bridge or underneath the
A third
crossing makes sense for many reasons. The crossing could be
west of Downtown Vancouver and link our Port with the Port of
Portland. It could be between I-5 and I-205 linking SR-14 and
Marine Drive. It could be east of I-205 linking 164th Avenue
to East Portland. It could even be a third span for trucks and
mass transit right next to the existing two spans of the Interstate
bridge. Many options are available and I'll leave it to the
engineers to figure out.
One of
the problems with having only two crossing points is that in an
emergency one of the crossings might be blocked or impassable
leaving but one crossing available. An emergency could be as
benign as a crash that blocks two lanes or as severe as an
Earthquake or terror attack. An extra span would spread out
the cars over three instead of two crossings.
people don't realize that this project will take years to complete
and the traffic will be unbearable during this period. Now I
know that there are solid arguments against a third span. But
if the State of Oregon will not widen the I-5 corridor between the
proposed bridge and Downtown Portland then the idea still
sucks! I cannot support spending billions of taxpayer dollars
and a span that will not cure trafific problems at all and that is
really a cover for bringing the train to Vancouver. Now, if Oregon
were to pull it's head out from between it's legs
and agree to widen I-5 then we can build the new bridge and it would
make sense with or with out the choo choo. Hey maybe we could move the old
spans upriver to be used as a 164th Avenue crossing to Marine
Drive! Okay, I admit, that's a stretch but when I think about
losing a grand piece of history I wax nostalgic.
about that crazy toll idea? Yeah, we get to pay tolls to pay
fact a toll plaza would add to congestion as cars and trucks would
need to slow down or even stop to pay. THIS IS INSANE! For
those of you scratching your heads wondering why a new I-5 bridge
won't it ease traffic congestion, I'll go over it for you. I-5
from Jantzen Beach to Downtown Portland is three lanes in each
direction until you get to I-405 then it is just 2 lanes in each
direction through the Rose Quarter. It does not matter if the new bridge has 100 lanes,
the cars will still be squeezed down to the three lanes and then two
that head
into Portland. The Oregon government is on the record as
saying it will not expand I-5. Frankly an expansion would be
very difficult and expensive as that corridor is heavily developed
and of course they want to continue pouring billions into a train
system that carries a small fraction as many people to their
destinations as our freeways do. So four billion dollars and no traffic
relief. Brilliant. Only crooked politicians can come up
with this crap. Again, if Oregon were to change it's tune on
highway expansion then this idea to replace the old bridge could have
is Oregon taking a no widen the freeway stance? Because they
are left wing kooks over there. Left wingers want you stuck in
traffic. Why? Because that is the only way to get you
out of your car and onto their cash sucking mugger's express
train. Cars are bad and trains are good or so they think down
on Hawthorne. Now you may think I am anti-train and you would be
wrong. I mentioned above that the N.Y. City Subway pays it's
own way. I like the N.Y. Subway for that reason. Why
does it pay it's own way? Because New York City has 8.2
million people living on 303 square miles of dirt for a population
density of over 27,000 per square mile. That is nearly as many
people living in one compact city
than live in the entire states of Washington and Oregon
combined! That is what trains are designed to do. Move
millions of people quickly. According to the Metropolitan
Transit Authority the NYC Subway has a daily ridership of over five
million on routes totaling a mere 229 miles. Portland's Max
runs 104,200 per day over 44 miles of routes. NYC has 22,000
riders per day per mile of routes and Portland has 2,352 riders per
day per mile of routes.
do not have the population base to support a train and frankly we
don't have the urban density either. San Francisco, Chicago,
Washington D.C. and New York are about the only cities in the
country with densities that make trains viable. If you have
never visited San Francisco or New York City, you have no idea how
incredibly dense those cities are. San Francisco has nearly
800,000 people living on 46 square miles and it is the center of a
Metropolitan area of more than seven million souls. Portland
has 536,000 living on 134 square miles with a metro area of about
2.3 million. San Francisco has twice as many people commuting into
their city than does Portland. Portland's population density
is 4,000 per square mile versus San Francisco's 16,000 per square
mile. Portland's workday density swells to about 4,900 per
square mile while San Fran's pushes 21,000 per square mile. So
they have a density that is four times that of Portland to support
high density mass transit and their transit system is in the red too. Go figure.
I think
trains are great when they serve the public and are self sufficient
financially or at least close to financially independent.
Otherwise it is a waste of time, space and money. Portland has
proven how stupid it is by spending a God only knows how many
Gazillions on the Max Trains that go out to the damn suburbs where
densities are even lower than in Portland. For what they spent
on that cute little choo choo, I bet they could give every one of the
riders a pick you up at your door bus ride to work every day till
they retire. Don't laugh, I am probably not that far off
reality with that comment.
build a new bridge, fix the highway, vote on the train and hey, let's
try to keep the old
bridges too!l
images on this page were pulled from the public domain on
3/10/08 and are the property of their makers or publishers. The
twilight image of the Interstate bridge Copyright 2004, Rod Sager. The
Vancouver shot from the Interstate Bridge Copyright 2005, Rod
Sager |